Project Description
The project
TravelTrails is an online database, which indexes, categorizes and analyzes travelers’ accounts in the Eastern Mediterranean from the early sixteenth-century up to 1830. Based on the collections of the Gennadius Library and the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, it helps the user to navigate through the diverse and rich historical information contained in travel literature.
We have developed using Vue.js. The website is supported by an administration system that we have also developed where admin users are able to add, edit and delete each element of the website (sources, passages, tags etc)
The goal
Our main objective was the digitization of the rich Historical Library of the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation. At this point, TravelTrails contains the travel literature of the 16th century and primarily British and French travelers, who are representative of the genre both in terms of number and wealth of information.
The Process
Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential.